As you will all hopefully be aware, following the AGM in April, a new committee was elected to take over the reins of the North Lancashire and South Cumbria RoADAR group (RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders).
We will endeavour to emulate the amazing work done over the last three years by the previous committee, which is evidenced by the group having the highest pass rate and achievement of Gold standard passes, by a large margin, of any group in the country. This is down to the fantastic job done by Joe Hurst, John Duckworth, Simon Hanson and John Butcher, along with the group tutors who are the lifeblood of the group.
The new committee thanks the outgoing committee for their work and for the strong position the group now enjoys as we take things forward.
Your new committee has now been in place for several months and as you may have seen we have reinstated breakfast meetings and ride outs following the Covid disruption of the last few years. We have also recently welcomed three new members and we will continue to make efforts to recruit more members. If you are a an existing member, you will also have noticed that we have updated the website to hopefully make it easier to navigate and provide you with the information you need as group members and for prospective members.
The Meet The Team page has short bios for your new committee members, so you can learn more about us and put faces to the names.
Finally, if you have any suggestions for the group or the website please let us know, either by using the contact form on the website or by contacting any of the committee members directly.